BAYCOM is now offering a Motorola Solutions platform that will enable organizations to take full advantage of the benefits of technology integration to enhance safety and address issues that have arisen during the coronavirus.
BAYCOM Communications Consultant Aaron Mulkey cites the example of a Wisconsin manufacturer that is revising its workflow to better distance employees from one another. In the past, the company had four or five employees working on a single piece of machinery, huddling together and shouting to hear each other within their very noisy facility.
“That’s absolutely not what you want when trying to minimize the risk of virus transmission, so we’re talking to the company now about a wireless headset solution that’s specifically designed for high-noise environments,” said Mulkey. “It will allow employees from across the floor to talk to each other—together or on separate channels—and, importantly, also connect to existing two-way radios through these devices. That’s one example of how we’re helping companies not only solve problems, but get the most value from the products they invest in through integration.”
Whether the goal is to manage COVID-related requirements or to achieve long-term benefits, the integration of technologies such as voice, data, analytics and video can be leveraged in many ways.
- Detect: Say, for example, a previous employee who’s no longer allowed on site drives onto campus or into the parking lot. License plate recognition technology (ALPR) can be programmed to flag the breach and immediately notify security teams via two-way radio and by smart phone. By connecting video and advanced analytics to security, organizations can better protect their perimeter.
- Analyze: If social distancing and mask-wearing are required by your organization, AI-powered video analytics can be used to send alerts when people within view of surveillance cameras are out of compliance. These same artificial intelligence technologies can be leveraged to identify suspicious activities and search video footage to locate individuals based on physical descriptions.
- Communicate: By integrating two-way radios, broadband devices and video security, security teams can be instantly notified of any security breach by a text-to-voice alert and text message on their radio, providing proactive notifications for both every day and critical events.
- Respond: By sharing real-time alerts and live video feeds, companies and public safety agencies can coordinate an incident response and provide instant “eyes on the scene.”
See one example of how the Motorola Solutions integration platform has been put to use in this “Safer Schools with BAYCOM Solutions” video on our website, or call us to learn more at 800-726-5426.