Trust Your Tech from Core to Cloud with Panasonic Connect Smart Compliance

Smart Compliance

Firmware security is a key element of multiple important NIST documents, including: SP 800-37 (Risk Management Framework), SP 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls), SP 800-147 (BIOS Protection Guidelines), 800-155 (BIOS Integrity Measurement) and 800-193 (Platform Resiliency Guidelines),

These documents identify firmware as a critical part of the security program and consistently use the terms “hardware, software, and firmware” when describing the components of technology that need to be protected. Panasonic Connect Smart Compliance aims to prepare you to address these NIST requirements as they pertain to firmware security and provide guidance for organizations seeking to achieve compliance with these standards.



Understanding Device Risk
and Impact of Threats

With physical access to a device, an attacker can compromise the firmware in 5 minutes.
Hacker forums post malware containing rootkits and bootkits.
If your devices carry high value information or are traveling to untrusted environments, firmware security controls are mission-critical
Servers provide an ideal path to both steal data or deny access to it altogether.
Complex components like baseboard management controllers, network cards, and system firmware all make securing servers a challenge to manage.
Smart compliance gives you peace of mind and simplicity as you navigate these critical components
Recent large-scale attacks have shown networking gear to be a primary target for attackers.
Attackers can evade detection, maintain persistence, and move laterally within your environment by subverting the network infrastructure.
The very network controls charged with securing your network could be the targets of attack.


Smart Compliance has access to the most comprehensive database of hardware, firmware, and software components, which includes 8 million+ elements from over 200,000 update packages, covering a vast range of vendors, device types, and models. We gather definitions by working with vendors, from analysis in operational environments, and from laboratory research.

With Smart Compliance, your teams can quickly and simply implement critical security controls to protect against below-the-surface threats: asset inventory, vulnerability management, and threat detection.


Dynamic inventory of production assets. Build an inventory of every piece of IT infrastructure, down to the hardware, firmware, and software level.

On-demand SBOMs. Generate software bills of material on demand, including hardware and firmware components of devices.

Assess product risk. Equip security and procurement teams to understand the risk inherent in those products before purchase.


Prioritize infrastructure vulnerabilities. Gain insights into low-level vulnerabilities in hardware, firmware, and software components.

Simplify compliance. Track issues at the hardware and firmware levels in frameworks such as NIST 800-53.

Automate firmware updates. Schedule and automatically apply critical firmware patches.


Detect threats that evade EDR. Alert on implants and other indicators of compromise for low-level components of your IT infrastructure.

Defend against tampering and counterfeit components. Validate that assets have not been tampered with and have authentic components.

Correlate with other data. Send alerts to SIEM and SOAR to give analysts improved context.

The BAYCOM DIfference

We do more than sell reliable products. We engineer solutions in partnership with our customers.

  • BAYCOM has been chosen State Contract Holder for WI, MN, IA, ND, SD, TX and the National IPA contract because of our longstanding history of successfully working with public safety and government agencies. These contracts provide highly discounted prices for Panasonic mobile computing and video products without the need to write an RFP or go through a tedious bidding process.

  • We want to help our customers to be successful, and that’s why we invest in our experienced service team. Through high tech training and experience in public safety systems, BAYCOM is a trusted partner that provides installation services, maintenance, and technical support.

  • Our goal is to support you and your community with only the very best. The Panasonic product line continues to be the leader nationwide in providing proven solutions to support safety in the field. It is the only mobile computing product line that BAYCOM trusts and feels confident offering to our customers.