As part of the Coronavirus Response & Relief Act, the U.S. Department of Education is accepting applications from educators to help in their continued coronavirus response and mitigation efforts. The Act provides a refresh of three CARES Act grant programs:
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund ($54.3 billion)
- Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEER II) Fund: ($22.7 billion)
- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEERII) Fund: ($4.1 billion)
The grants are intended to support efforts by states, schools and institutions of higher learning to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, but each has a different focus and is subject to different eligibility requirements. Learn more about those details by downloading this flyer.
While the allowable use of funds differs among the grants, BAYCOM offers a number of products and services that may be deployed to help in coronavirus mitigation efforts, including:
- Distance Learning with NitroTM
- Social Distancing Technology
- Occupancy Counting Technology
- No-Face-Mask Detection Technology
- Contact Tracing Technology
- Thermal Temperature-Sensing Cameras
BAYCOM can help with your grant submission by working with you to:
- Develop projected costs for equipment you hope to secure, so you know how much you should be asking for as part of the grant submission
- Prepare content you can use in the grant submission that will help tell the story of how you’ll benefit from the equipment
Contact us at 800-726-5426 or info@baycominc.com to learn more about how we can help you take full advantage of this funding opportunity.
To learn more about the program and link to the grant application and other resources, download this flyer.